Providing inexpensive ways for children's ministers to integrate technology into their ministry.

Monday, March 27, 2006

I'm not above it (guilt)

Each year our Church sets aside money to provide scholarships for kids who want to go to camp but can't afford it. Each year it seems tougher to provide this assistance. Our member's have been generous enough to help out. I created what was intended to be a funny-sad video to bring the point home. I think it ended up being a little more sad then funny. At time it may just be sad enough to be funny again. Take a look and let me know what you think.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a nice video. I like the humorous touch at the end.

7:36 PM

Blogger Danny Sims said...

This is great.

We'll show it at the beginning of adult classes and also send it out to small groups... it's good.

Amazing what you can do for several hundred dollars an hour. What'd this take, 6, 7 hours?? And I'd like a tour of your video lab someday.


4:36 AM

Blogger nairb said...

Jim - You can probably see many errors. They drove me nuts when I was editing. When I got a whim to do this it was in the afternoon sun. I tried to get it done before the wife got home a few hours later.

Danny - Sorry to say, as the CM's husband, I didn't get a dime. I used my camcorder, laptop and one blank DVD. It took a couple of hours total. That included finding our swimming and camping gear, which took a while. As for the lab... you've been in my living room.

6:28 AM

Blogger Jennifer Schroeder said...

that is too cool. please tell me how much i can send so that emma no longer looks so sad. she made me cry. (just kidding). that really is a good video clip.

4:46 AM

Blogger Lindsey said...

HA!! That's hilarious!!! I loved it! Great job Brian!! Way to use my little Camp Buddy, she's a great actress!

8:32 PM


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